My Blog

August 17, 2023
A letter to my past
The one thing I most fear in my life is the thought of living the life I was living until 4 years ago, again. For me, it was a battle to rediscover myself after a series of setbacks. Whether it was going through a slump along my academic journey or losing the ability to reckon with my real self, while fighting anxiety, my life was quite evidently showing a decline.
With this letter, I shall, hopefully, reassure myself that I have indeed overcome my past challenges, and more importantly, I shall seek comfort in the fact that I have attempted to make peace with my past.
Dear Bageshree,
I know that you would sitting all day and thinking that you are just going to be a wreck all your life and fail in everything you take up. You have a long life ahead, and I advise that you don’t lose hope. But then, only hoping for things to get better is not the solution. It is equally important to work towards setting things straight.
A lot of people think ending their lives is a good option to permanently bring an end to all their problems. It is usually the losers who come to associate life as being a punishment. If you think you are going nowhere with your academics, then find an answer to where you are going wrong. I would also like to draw your attention to the turmoil that countless other beings around you go through. Everyday of your life is going to be a challenge, and so will it be for everyone else. Accept the truth and face life.
There are a few things that I would emphasize, which will help ease your pain along your journey. The first of the many crucial things you are expected to do is to find your conscience. ‘How will I do that?,’ you may ask. Avoid doing things that don’t resonate with you. The more you give into the temptation of seeking unwanted pleasures, the more you will see yourself moving away from your real self. This also entails distancing yourself from those people who are with you only to change you.
As important as it is to be sensitive to human emotions, it is equally important to remain your own person and strive for your individual happiness before tending to others. It is good to find a strong support system in your family, spouse and friends but, it is better to have your own back during the toughest of times. It’s important that you realize the importance of self-reliance and self-independence so as to achieve your full potential.
In the four years that I have taken to gradually evolve and tried to get myself on the trajectory of growth, I have learnt how crucial a role having the right attitude in life plays.Whether it is unparalleled success or miserable failure, don’t underestimate the power of your attitude and outlook, which will eventually decide your fate. Look at yourself as someone who is here to fulfill her duties, and everybody else close to you is meant to serve a similar purpose. Yet, don’t forget that your paths are different. People may change their paths, which is why it is important that you don’t lose sight of your path, to avoid excess attachment.
I’m at that stage where you have been dreaming to get all this while, and I continue to face challenges. I still get bouts of anxiety, at times, when my mind goes into an overdrive thinking about what lies ahead. So, if you’re to ask for something, then ask for peace of mind and contentment. During my anxious moments, I forget that I’m living the life I was once anticipating and dying to see in reality, which, then, ruins it all. Take one step at a time, and pause to experience the magic in your life. If you’re looking to verify what I’m stating with proofs and if that lets you stay happy, then know that you will soon become a blogger and a full-time writer who will successfully complete her master’s degree. And most importantly, you will constantly try to become a good human being!
Best regards,
Your anticipated self